Thursday 5 November 2015



Renewable resources are natural resources which can be replaced or restored through some natural processes, if used resourcefully. Example are: Air(oxygen), water, solar energy, wood(plant) and wind. these resources could be used as they come or converted into different forms which can also be used and bring a lot of benefit to an individual or a society.

the sun provides solar energy. solar energy is the power obtained from the light and heat of the sun. this energy can be taped using a solar panel and it can be used in the absent of other power supplies such as the national electrical grid. solar energy can be used for many domestical use like cooking and giving electrical power to a house, or even used in charging electrical appliances.

water is also a natural resources which is produce without the effort of mankind. some are rivers , seas, ground water, lagoons and among others. this resources are the living grounds of fishes and water mermaid creatures. water bodies can be used for various things, like drinking, for farming and even to produce food. "water is life". a man can go a day without food but not without water.

Another natural resource is plant or trees. the world exist because there are plant or trees planted around us. plant produce or bring out oxygen which humans breath into survive and in return we give out carbon dioxide to help the plants live. as the saying goes " when the last tree dies , the last man dies. timber, leather, paper can all be produce from plants.

some of the benefits of this resources are that , they are from clean sources that have made much lower environmental impact which are reliable. they offer jobs and bring income to an individual or the nation at large.


Wednesday 4 November 2015



Natural Disaster when mentioned creates fear and panic to the ages of the young and old.  It is an unfortunate incident that happens naturally and causes lots of harm to the environment at large. Natural disaster therefore is the major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the earth; that is it is a crisis situation which causes wide spread damage with far exceeds our ability to recover. Thus, form the definition; one can notice that there cannot be a perfect ideal system that prevents damage, because that cannot be termed as a disaster. Even though disasters are unpredicted in occurrence, time, place, it can be also known that it can be predicted scientifically and technologically. Examples of natural disasters are floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and other geologic processes.
Explaining briefly the examples of natural disasters, earthquakes are the result of a sudden release of energy in the earth’s crust that involves vibration, shaking and sometimes displacing the ground.

Sinkholes which is an example of natural disaster occurs when natural erosions or human mining makes the ground too weak to support the structures built on and this causes the land to sink and create sinkhole.
Floods are the overflow of water that submerges a land .That is flood simply means a piece of land temporary covered by water. Other disasters such as volcanoes or volcanic eruptions are also part of natural disasters as said above.

The effects of natural disasters are main theme that comes out in the studying of it.  Some effects of natural disasters are as follows;
Firstly, the major effect of natural disasters is loss of lives. That is lives of people are being affected and basically it means people dying. For example the 2010 Guatemala City sinkhole which killed fifteen people was caused during a heavy rain from tropical Storm Agatha. This also led to the depopulation of the country.
Secondly, the economic activity of an environment or a specific place collapses. During natural disasters, there no form of economic activities such as banking, buying, selling and other professions or work being done. People stay indoors after such incidents and can even starve themselves. Also, since there are no economic activities being done, the economy of such places becomes very low and paves way for poverty.
Loss of properties can also be seen as an effect of natural disaster. Properties made by people and governments such as schools, houses, cars, hospitals and all other infrastructure can be destroyed. This as well has to be replaced and can cause huge amounts of money to do them. For example, the overall cost of the 905 disasters in 2012 amounted to   $170 billion and insured losses was $70 billion.
Natural disasters can also cause the displacement of human and animals. The sense of human, natural disasters can make some of people refuges in other countries since there are no places to stay and be much comfortable in their countries.

However, even though we cannot predict natural disaster, we can as well manage and prevent it one way or the other. Thus;
One has to be careful the kind of land he or she wants to build his or her house or even companies on. 
Also, there should also be the readiness or response to commence and rescue people affected by being equipped by various techniques needed.
Lastly, mining companies or ‘galamsey’ should be checked and should not be allowed in certain areas prone to disasters.

From the above, one can be seen to be educated on what natural disasters are, its effects and how to manage or prevent it. However, there is a man-made disaster such as bomb explosions and wars which can be predicted and managed at all times.




Have you ever sat on your sofa one day to observe the beauty of the environment around you?  The living and non living things around you? Have you ever asked yourself how useful the environment and its subsets are to humanity and other living organisms? Have you ever realized that the food, water and other minerals that generate income to the country are derived from the environment? Admittedly, the environment has been and will continuous to be an integral part of our lives as living cells.
The big question that keeps on ringing in the ears of many is how individuals sit back and watch this same environment that plays an important role in our lives to be washed away or degraded by certain activities either by natural phenomena or human activities. The human activities could be the recklessness of humanity or activities for commercial purposes.
In this article, a number of measures or steps are outline on how our beloved environment from can be protected and preserved.
One of the ways in which the environment and the natural resources can be protected is through the enactment, implementation and enforcement of field management laws and regulations. The government in collaboration with the Environmental Protection Agency can formulate laws that curb the uncharacteristic destruction of the environment and its subsets. For example, there should be a law on illegal mining activities. Illegal mining is one of the causes of land and water pollution in recent times leading to the disappearance of ecosystems. When these laws are enforced, the environment would be free from unnecessary encroaching.

Education is one of the weapons that can be used to fight against the foes of the environment ensure discipline. Seminars, forums and other platforms can created to discuss and educate stakeholders and the general public on the need to preserve the environment. Subsequently, environmental decision making process can become more collaborative among a lot of people. When the general public is more engulfed with environmental protection measures, they would become discipline and hence preserve the environment.

The environment and subsets can be protected and preserve through government, and organizational initiatives and individuals effort and participation. One of the initiatives that can be undertaken is tree planting exercise. As they say, when the last tree dies, the last man also dies. It is this view that, some governments and organizations efforts are geared towards planting trees.

Sanitation is one of the efforts that can be taken to ensure our environment and its surrounding is safe for human survival. This initiative became necessary for the government of Ghana to pass a law which ensures that sanitation is observed in every region of the country every first saturday of a new month. This is ensure that all waste are manage to prevent occurrence of natural disasters especially like the June 3 flood that hit the capital of Accra and claimed over three hundred lives.

In conclusion, preserving the environment is not the sole responsibility of a single individual, organization or government but a union of all. Hence, I urge and advocate for all hands to be on deck to preserve our environment for human survival. I will play my part well, also play yours well.




Nature has been in existence long before time along with its resources. A natural resource refers to anything that is used by humans which is in nature. In other, natural resources can be said to be the resources that occur within the environment in their natural and original form and are not disturbed by humans. Examples of natural resources include water, wood, oil, air, sunlight among others. There is an abundance of natural resources on the planet earth derived from the environment around us.
The list of natural resources can be divided into two groups namely renewable natural resources and non-renewable natural resources. Those resources such as sunlight, water and soil that are able to grow again or comes back from nature are referred to as renewable natural resources. Non-renewable natural resources on the other hand are not able to grow again or come back into nature or if they do, they take a very long time to come back and an example is coal. It must be noted that most natural resources or a greater percentage of natural resources are never perpetual and as such are limited in supply from nature. 
Ghana as a developing country is blessed and endowed with a great amount of natural resources including agriculture, mining and human resources. These processes or practices account for the production of the individual products of natural resources.
Agriculture has been the major or key sector of our economy and still remains the growing manufacturing sector of the economy. The Ghanaian workforce has sixty percent of its employment coming from the agricultural sector which in turn makes up or accounts for forty four percent of the country’s GDP. The county has had cocoa as the second largest export but new exports such as textiles, jewelry, pineapples and cotton are in the process of diversifying the agricultural export profile of Ghana.

The agricultural wealth in addition to mineral resources adds up to Ghana’s natural resources. The rich minerals of Ghana include diamond, aluminum, manganese, bauxite among others. Recently, the mineral gold replaced cocoa as the country’s primary export. Diamond, aluminum and bauxite accounts for a great part of the country’s export. Since the liberalization of the mining sector in 1987, strategic investors from the United States, Australia, Canada and Britain have taking advantage of the new business opportunities. In 1994, diamond production rose by an estimated sixty percent and is still expected to rise with time.
Lastly, Ghana has had an industrious and well-educated workforce as its most valuable resource. The workforce of Ghana has a strong primary, secondary and higher education infrastructure and literacy rate which accounts for an average of fifty three percent. This serves as one of the highest in the continent.



Climate change may refer to a change in average weather conditions, or in the time variation of weather around longer-term average conditions. Climate change is caused by factors such as biotic processes, variations in solar radiation received by Earth, and volcanic eruptions. Certain human activities have also been identified as significant causes of recent climate change, such as air pollution or smoking by  burning rubbish or fumes from cars and vapor from warm water or foods. The weather is unpredicted, it changes most of the time so we have weather forecasts who research into our climate change every year and bring the statistics out to the public for everybody to prepare but even for them at times the weather does mislead them, so in fact the weather cannot be predicted
We have the dry season also known as harmattan season and rainy season.

During the dry season we have a low rainfall where our grasses and leafs becomes dry and even the human body shrinks to the extent that if you do not apply much body cream your skin begins to wear off. It comes in the month of December and January.

During the rainy season, this is where we record much floods in most parts of the African countries. In this season we do get a lot of foodstuffs such as tomatoes, yam, cassava etc. but those who  live in the rural areas really suffer due to the way their houses have being structured. The rain wash away most of their properties, the roads of those in the urban areas get flooded because most of their gutters are choked with rubbish.  It comes in the months of June and July.

Some ghanaians have expressed their views that during these seasons especially the harmattan season they buy shea butters for their skin so that it would not shrink and lip gloss for their mouth so that they will not get dry and they always take an umbrella along with them anywhere they go during the rainy season.
