Thursday 5 November 2015



Renewable resources are natural resources which can be replaced or restored through some natural processes, if used resourcefully. Example are: Air(oxygen), water, solar energy, wood(plant) and wind. these resources could be used as they come or converted into different forms which can also be used and bring a lot of benefit to an individual or a society.

the sun provides solar energy. solar energy is the power obtained from the light and heat of the sun. this energy can be taped using a solar panel and it can be used in the absent of other power supplies such as the national electrical grid. solar energy can be used for many domestical use like cooking and giving electrical power to a house, or even used in charging electrical appliances.

water is also a natural resources which is produce without the effort of mankind. some are rivers , seas, ground water, lagoons and among others. this resources are the living grounds of fishes and water mermaid creatures. water bodies can be used for various things, like drinking, for farming and even to produce food. "water is life". a man can go a day without food but not without water.

Another natural resource is plant or trees. the world exist because there are plant or trees planted around us. plant produce or bring out oxygen which humans breath into survive and in return we give out carbon dioxide to help the plants live. as the saying goes " when the last tree dies , the last man dies. timber, leather, paper can all be produce from plants.

some of the benefits of this resources are that , they are from clean sources that have made much lower environmental impact which are reliable. they offer jobs and bring income to an individual or the nation at large.


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