Wednesday 4 November 2015



Have you ever sat on your sofa one day to observe the beauty of the environment around you?  The living and non living things around you? Have you ever asked yourself how useful the environment and its subsets are to humanity and other living organisms? Have you ever realized that the food, water and other minerals that generate income to the country are derived from the environment? Admittedly, the environment has been and will continuous to be an integral part of our lives as living cells.
The big question that keeps on ringing in the ears of many is how individuals sit back and watch this same environment that plays an important role in our lives to be washed away or degraded by certain activities either by natural phenomena or human activities. The human activities could be the recklessness of humanity or activities for commercial purposes.
In this article, a number of measures or steps are outline on how our beloved environment from can be protected and preserved.
One of the ways in which the environment and the natural resources can be protected is through the enactment, implementation and enforcement of field management laws and regulations. The government in collaboration with the Environmental Protection Agency can formulate laws that curb the uncharacteristic destruction of the environment and its subsets. For example, there should be a law on illegal mining activities. Illegal mining is one of the causes of land and water pollution in recent times leading to the disappearance of ecosystems. When these laws are enforced, the environment would be free from unnecessary encroaching.

Education is one of the weapons that can be used to fight against the foes of the environment ensure discipline. Seminars, forums and other platforms can created to discuss and educate stakeholders and the general public on the need to preserve the environment. Subsequently, environmental decision making process can become more collaborative among a lot of people. When the general public is more engulfed with environmental protection measures, they would become discipline and hence preserve the environment.

The environment and subsets can be protected and preserve through government, and organizational initiatives and individuals effort and participation. One of the initiatives that can be undertaken is tree planting exercise. As they say, when the last tree dies, the last man also dies. It is this view that, some governments and organizations efforts are geared towards planting trees.

Sanitation is one of the efforts that can be taken to ensure our environment and its surrounding is safe for human survival. This initiative became necessary for the government of Ghana to pass a law which ensures that sanitation is observed in every region of the country every first saturday of a new month. This is ensure that all waste are manage to prevent occurrence of natural disasters especially like the June 3 flood that hit the capital of Accra and claimed over three hundred lives.

In conclusion, preserving the environment is not the sole responsibility of a single individual, organization or government but a union of all. Hence, I urge and advocate for all hands to be on deck to preserve our environment for human survival. I will play my part well, also play yours well.


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